Friday, November 20

Fitness Training on Cruise Vacation - Lululemon Athletica Ambassador Sloane Pellegrin's Five Day Plan

Sloane Pellegrin our personal fitness trainer in Santa Barbara kicks our butts 3 - 5 times a week depending on how busy we are. We asked and she agreed to guest author a post on workouts she wants us to do while on a cruise ship in Mexico for a week. Sloane is a Lululemon Athletica ambassador.

I am going to give you five workouts to accomplish in your seven days of vacation and you can choose the order and days in which you will accomplish them. Each workout will last between approximately 45 minutes. Don’t forget your goggles!

Workout #1: Cardio/Strength
-       10 minute warm-up on the elliptical, elevate your heart rate and focus on warming up your body.
-       Choose 3 of our daily activation exercises and perform 14 of each
-       10 minutes on the elliptical (30 second sprint/30 second easy x10)
-       Superset: 15 push-ups/14 lat pull-downs (they should have a machine to perform this on)
-       Superset: 15 chest fly (machine or dumbbell)/ 14 back high or low back row
-       Superset: 1 minute plank on elbows/ 30 body weight squats
-       Stretch

Workout #2: Cardio If the ship offers classes look and see if they offer spinning. If so use a class to replace this workout.
-       10 minute warm-up on machine of choice
-       Choose 3 of our daily activation exercises and perform 14 of each
-       Superset: 15 crunches/ 15 bridges (these could be performed on the floor or on a stability ball)
-       On a bike (preferably a spin type bike):
o      1 minute hard standing climb/ 1 minute seated easy spin x5
o      5 minute spin
o      5 minute hard standing climb
o      10 minute cool-down
      -               Stretch

Workout #3: Easy day/Swim If the ship does not provide you with a lap pool you may have to wake-up a bit early and hit the pool before the crowds do.
-       Swim for 30 minutes
-       If the ship has an exercise pool they will provide you with kick boards, hand paddles and pull buoys. Please utilize all available equipment.

Workout #4: Strength
-       10 minute warm-up on the elliptical, elevate your heart rate and focus on warming up your body.
-       Choose 3 of our daily activation exercises and perform 14 of each
-       Superset: 14 squat and rows (cable machine)/ 8 step-ups on each side (with your body weight)
-       Superset: 14 squats (with weights of your choice)/ 14 dumbbell overhead presses
-       Superset: 14 push-ups to a abdominal ball curl (feet on a stability ball and hands on the floor)/ 10 single arm dumbbell row (front hand supporting upper body on a stable surface, flat back, feet shoulder with apart)
-       Superset: 12 hanging leg raises/ 12 dumbbell front shoulder raises
-       Stretch

Workout #5: Strength/ Cardio
-        10 minute warm-up on the elliptical, elevate your heart rate and focus on warming up your body.
-       Choose 3 of our daily activation exercises and perform 14 of each
-       On hands and knees, opposite arm/leg lift, elbow to knee 20 times per side x2
-       On Elliptical: 5 minutes with a challenging resistance maintaining a higher heart rate, not able to say a whole sentence without a break to catch your breath.
-       50 total drop-back lunges
-       30 push=ups
-       On elliptical:  30 second sprint/ 30 second easy x5
-       Side plank with 15 dips per side x2
-       With dumbbells 20 overhead presses
-       On elliptical 5 minutes challenging
-       Using a bench 30 tricep dips (shoulders back and chest tall)
-       30 bridges on the floor
-       On elliptical: 5 minutes easy cool-down
-       Stretch


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