Tuesday, March 2

Jack Johnson-Role Model of Eco Lifestyle

What is not to love about role model, Jack Johnson with his catchy melodies that inspire a low key way to live and love your neighbor as well as our planet. It is quite fitting that he and his wife, Kim were presented with the "Kuleana Award" as part of Kanu Hawaii's birthday celebration. Kanu Hawaii is a grassroots movement that draws on "island strengths" to make Hawaii a model of "environmental sustainability, economic resilience and compassionate community." The award was presented to six individuals who have "inspired change in others and their community through their own demonstrations of Kuleana" which is defined by the non- profit group as "courageous acts of responsibility and leadership by example."

"As a team, Jack and Kim model stewardship, compassion, and living lightly on the earth.  They live a simple lifestyle, eat from their own garden, and devote lots of quality time to their children and their North Shore community.  Jack's music has introduced people around the world to island values of environmental stewardship and aloha, and profits from his tours support local and global environmental work.  Kim has worked tirelessly to build the Kokua Hawai'i Foundation into a local institution that is committed, as she is, to positive, empowering approaches that educate keiki and build a more eco-conscious community." (Statement issued by the Kanu)


Thank you Jack Johnson for being such an inspiration to us all. 

Post author for Globally Gorgeous
Tamara Wallop

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