Thursday, April 8

2010 Heal the Ocean Event..Planning is Underway!

We are very excited to announce that we have been asked to Chair the 2010 Heal the Ocean Event Committee!  This years event will be held at the Coral Casino on October 9, 2010.  We have been brainstorming and have some exciting ideas and look forward to seeing all of you there!  We will keep you posted as to when tickets for this popular event will go on sale. 

Heal the Ocean in Santa Barbara is committed to ending ocean pollution by relying on the premise of studying the problems of leaking sewer pipes, offshore sewage discharge and leaking coastal landfills or septic systems and then recommending practical solutions instead of lobbying the government for action.  When the public is presented with answers to the problems and the costs are understood, they are more eager to move forward with the cleanup and more willing to pay the price. 

We are very excited to work with their team to put on a fundraiser that will help Heal the Ocean in our community!

Executive director, Hillary Hauser, has been a writer/ journalist/news reporter since 1968 with published books about sea and underwater exploration and many magazine articles published in many publications including National Geographic, Surfers Journal, Geo and Islands.

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