Wednesday, April 28

An Eco friendly Store: We Love Priscilla Woolworth

Priscilla Woolworth refers to herself as a curator, finding special things and interesting information.  Her constant research of eco- themed living brought about her vision for a store where she shares her great selection of findings.  As she learns to turn her home into a chemical free, non toxic, energy and water saving, healthier place to live, she hopes to also inspire others to feel pride in knowing they can buy and contribute towards making our world a better place for our children.

Her store features her "finds" as well as her own designs, such as the Valentina Composter.

"It really is satisfying to make your own compost using your very own kitchen and yard waste. It's the ultimate in recycling and such an easy way to reduce waste going to landfills. When I think that the rotten bananas, lettuce or tomatoes, don't need to be thrown out in the regular trash bin but can be turned instead into very useful, nutrient rich soil conditioner, to replenish the depleted soil in my garden, is phenomenal.
DID YOU KNOW... that each individual effort helps, and that if we all started composting, we could help prevent global warming by reducing emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas which gets produced when organic waste decomposes when it's been buried in landfills."

I love this Cotton Cloth Bea Bag Handmade in Nepal.  It is made by a women's cooperative in the remote mountain villages of Tipling, Sherhung and Lapa in Nepal.  Sturdy and bright, sure to make you feel good, just holding it. Not just a great utilitarian product, it also provides Humanitarian aid through Fair Trade.

This Soft Black Blanket is handmade in Los Angeles and "embodies ease, relaxation, coziness and comfort.

If none of those things grabbed you check out her website and blog for more great finds including a recipe for Oven Roasted Kale. I am sure you will find something to inspire or delight you.

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