Saturday, November 28

Use Apple iPhoto or to Make a Great Gift!

Making a photo journalistic book of an experience that you shared with your family and friends can make a wonderful surprise gift, especially, if you can create something beautiful that will become a "coffee table" book, at least for a while. A photographer friend of ours turned us on a the idea of personal publishing a couple of years ago. Mostly we have used Apple's iphoto, to create and order the books we make. Currently though, we are using a platform created by, BookSmart. I'm loving the flexibility of this platform  as it allows me to customize any template or create my own. The book we are creating now is unique in that we have taken the photographs taken by our two good friends, their teenage and adult children as well as another couple, nine in all, and are creating a photographic journal of an Alaskan Adventure we all went on together. We are using a selection of EVERYONE'S photographs that were uploaded to the same website. This way everyone on the trip will feel like they participated in the creation of the book. 

We're trying to decide between these to photos for the Cover of the Book. Both evoke the spirit  of the unique adventure we experienced with our good friends. A quiet awesomeness.

Gregg and I have published a number of books via "on demand publishing" (for the general public) platforms.  We have done this mostly for marketing purposes for our real estate projects. On demand publishing allows us to select photographs that best describe our projects and provides us with a well designed  format to describe the projects and present them in a compelling and beautiful manner. If you haven't tried this type of presentation for your creative endeavors, give it go. It's a terrific outlet especially if you have an aptitude for creating visually beautiful compositions. 


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