Friday, March 26

Art Chicago 2010

The world's leading emerging and established artists will come together April 30- May 3 to participate in an annual international fair of modern art at Art Chicago 2010.  This event will offer curators, collectors, artists and art enthusiasts a comprehensive survey of current and historic work, "from cutting- edge to modern masters in a wide variety of media including: painting, photography, drawings, prints, sculpture, video and special installations."  An opening VIP preview will be held April 29.

Merchandise Mart with projection by Jenny Holzer

Over 140 galleries will be represented at Art Chicago 2010, among them, Zane Bennett Contemporary Art who will host art by over 20 artists including Olivier Mosset (above) and  Pascal (below). 

I love these horses by Deborah Butterfield that will be represented by the Zolla/ Lieberman Gallery. 

A list of all exhibitors here.

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