Saturday, March 27

Earth Day- Everyday- Earth Hour- Today! 8:30pm

"Fourty years after the first Earth day the world is in greater peril than ever"

photo courtesy inhabitat

Earth Day 2010 can be a turning point to advance climate policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy and green jobs.  The Earth Day Network is stimulating millions to make personal commitments to sustainability. This is a pivotal opportunity for individuals, corporations and government to join together and create a global green economy.

photo courtesy loftlifemag

Core Issues

Sustainable Development. Action is needed to promote green building, organic agriculture and responsible building practices.  We must find new ways of living and growing in harmony with nature and with the earth's finite resources.

Climate Change is the greatest challenge but also has the greatest unprecedented opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy now and for the future.

Energy. 50 percent of the energy we consume comes from coal.  The time to build a clean energy network is now.  Take action by pledging to attend a city council meeting and engage politicians locally and nationally to demand investing in renewable energy.

More on these issues along with water, recycling, green economy, conservation, advocacy, education and green schools and what you can do can be found at Earth

Participate in Earth Hour this Saturday March 27 at 8:30 for one hour.  

 Take Action or Capture Your Action or Make an Hour Lantern


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