Monday, April 12

Eco Luxury Underground Carbon Zero Home

 Manchester United Soccer star, Gary Neville is working closely with Make Architects in the design of a Carbon Zero flower-shaped underground home.  The 8,000 square foot home includes four bedrooms, an underground swimming pool, gym and concealed garage.  The flower-shaped layout with "petals" hosting areas to eat, relax, entertain, work and play, all around a central kitchen.  Built into the hillside near the clients current home in Bradshaw, Bolton,  it "enables the surrounding moorland to seamlessly flow across the roof", according to the design team at Make Architects.  It will include a wind turbine, solar panels and ground source heating. The high cost at 8 million dollars will be an impactful venture with high eco-standards.  Neville is heavily involved in the design process and is passionate about preserving the natural beauty of the area.  
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"We have designed a beautiful and functional family home that consumes less energy than it uses, the positioning and orientation of the property have been carefully thought about, a ground source heat pump will provide the heating and photovoltaic panels and a wind turbine will generate on site renewable energy."
underground eco home,underground flower shaped eco home,gary neville,make architects,great manchester eco home,solar panels,windturbine,ground source heating,zero carbon house,winchester united,england eco home,maienza wilson,Globally Gorgeous,underground swimming pool,inhabitat,teletubby house,skara brae,susstainable management system,sustainability,sustainable design,sustainable design materials,sustainable ideas,sustainable living,Sustainable,sustainable materials,Aerial view, eco luxury ,Luxury Estate,Eco-Luxury,green design,Luxury Real Estate Montecito,State of the Art,Luxury eco design,architecture,Design,Recycleable,all natural,eco-conscious,environmentally friendly,living roof,leading edge,Landscape,sun,solar energy powered,unique
The structure has already been selected as an exemplary project within the Government’s ‘Planning Performance Agreements for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Schemes’, and it is anticipated to be so advanced that the government is considering using the scheme as a benchmark for all future zero-carbon developments.
Hundreds of neighbors turned out to oppose the windturbine due to the noise they fear it will create.  Neville's planner assures it to be fact that people will hear nothing and the turbine would serve 14 houses.

photos courtesy Inhabitat
The home has been compared to the Tele-tubby House, although it shares similar characteristics, Make Architects claim it is inspired by Skara Brae, a neolithic underground settlement in Orkney. (Below)
See our current project slated for LEED Platinum Certification, including solar panels, Net Zero Energy consumption, a living green roof and sustainable building supplies.

1 comment:

  1. 這是韌皮設計!但僅麻紡設計 HOOO ...無論是人類的智慧和創造力。知識以及科學和技術。還有更多..非常完美!
