Thursday, April 15

Recycled Plastic Self Suffecient Island the size of Hawaii

Netherlands based firm, Whim Architects are planning to turn existing plastic waste that is floating in our ocean and turn it into a Recycled Island the size of Hawaii.  This plan proposes to clean our oceans from plastic waste, create new land and set an example of how to create a new sustainable habitat.  A grant for the project was issued in January 2010 by the Netherlands Architectural Fund.  The location will be in the North Pacific Gyre, NE of Hawaii, where the largest concentration of plastic waste has been discovered.  Due to it's floating character, the position could eventually be altered.
Habitants will live in plastic homes and work on farms or grow seaweed.  The island will be completely self-sufficient, producing its own food and energy and managing waste.
"By recycling the plastic waste into a construction material for new islands, it will have new econimic value."  This will stimulate gathering plastic from the oceans and create new land, thus cleaning our oceans.
Energy will be powered by solar power and bio wave technology by Bio Power Systems.

Seaweed will be farmed right offshore to be used for food, fertilizer, biofuel, medicine and Co2 absorption.

I wish I'd thought of this.  Brilliant.

Post Author
Tamara Wallop for Globally Gorgeous

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